Life Goes On

But Ready Or Not, Life Goes On. - Sidney Sheldon. I suppose this describes everyone's life in a nutshell. There will be times when life will give you lemons but you would not even know what a lemon is!! So what? Life still goes on. Read the story of a family of Covid Warriors.

25 May, 2021

But Ready Or Not, Life Goes On.” ― Sidney Sheldon. I suppose this describes everyone's life in a nutshell. There will be times when life will give you lemons but you would not even know what a lemon is!! So what? Life still goes on.

Life is full of ups and downs and believe me we also had a super sunny shiny life before, a fairy tale with a happy family. Life wasn't that harsh earlier. It was all good with everyone until a stormy day knocked us. It was back then last year when India announced with a nationwide locked down, and we all were condemned to a locked down. Everyone around was scared and horrified with Covid-19, so were we.

Everything was fine until everything turned into blue, our mother was tested covid-19 positive, and she was immediately hospitalized. Those were just the start of it and later come the worst, I still remember that terrifying morning, where my brother was screaming out loud calling my name "Anjali jaldi aao, Papa Uth nahi rhe", my heart sank. My father was not responding.We couldn't handle ourselves, I wanted to scream still holding our last hope with the ambulance and formalities, I was praying and hoping constantly for the bad rather than the worst that has already taken place. But with no hopes, we had to let him go. I had to stay strong like a mountain now, wanted to shatter but couldn't because we could not loose the other pillar of the house, we had hid the truth from our mother due to her critical condition. Once she was back, we gathered the courage and handled her. God knows how we passed through those times.

But, that was not it! Within no time, mummy was diagnosed with cervical cancer, her kidneys were also damaged. Mummy was getting weak but we as a family stood hard as a rock, because being weak was not an option. The treatment started, I had my exams and her treatment side by side, one of the most challenging part. But with God grace's I passed my exam with distinction. There have been end number of challenges but still we all together dealt with them. As I say Life goes on, no matter how hard it is, you need to live with it because your life is not only you but there are people who live with the hope from you, for you.

Only thing that keeps me going is my father, his words and teachings. I believe he surrounds me and guides me with his blessings. Whatever I am whatever we are , it's because of him. His courage and teachings are still with me and I always want to make him proud that's the only thing that keeps me going.

There were times where I felt like crying, shattered like never before. Felt nervous, sad, did not wanted to get up from the bed. These times challenge me a lot, but still with an optimistic view and acceptance of the situation helps me to move on, move further in life. One thing that we need to learn is to accept the situation, no matter how hard or difficult it is, once it is accepted half of the battle is already won. Just need to take care of ourselves because it's not us, but there are people around us aa well. With the hope we rise and with the hope we fight.

~ Anjali Vishnani